The Day Bowie died…

Jackie Bateman
2 min readJan 10, 2017

I wrote this on the day David Bowie died. I wrote it just for me, but I’ve found myself thinking about how important finding and being your authentic self really is. People loved David Bowie because of the magic he seemed to possess, his originality, and his fearlessness to be himself. I wish that for myself and for you, too.

2016 was a shitty year, so I hope that in 2017, we can all come together and make a little more magic happen. And maybe, more importantly (for me), to honor the magic inside myself and within you.

“David Bowie died today. It’s another reminder of how important it is to live your truth no matter what that is. And to create. Create with joy and create with your whole soul, wherever that should take you.

Because if you do that, you will create magic. You will be magic. And you will feel, in your soul, the magic that this life has to offer.

You will not be David Bowie, but you will be you. There cannot be another Bowie, there cannot be another Freddie Mercury, there can’t be another Lemmy. There can only be you. And what you have is magic, too. Embrace your magic — like Bowie — and let it shine like never before. The world can’t wait to see it and be a part of your creation.

So follow yourself into the absurd, into the strange, into the abyss, and you will find the magic that was always inside of you. Waiting. Always waiting. You can feel it inside of you, struggling to get out. Pushing against your insides, fighting it’s way to the outside. One day it will get so loud that you won’t be able to ignore it any longer. And then you will be forced to create. And you will be whole. And you will be satisfied. And you will be happy and joyful and most importantly YOU. As you were always meant to be.”



Jackie Bateman

Big thoughts + ideas + politics + writing + digital + all things spiritual + mediocre plant mom